Building apps that matter

Hidden Camera Detector
Detect hidden spy camera at hotel room, changing room or at guest house.
10M + Downloads
What our users say
"Everyone thought I was being Paranoid the mental health professionals and even the police but when they checked this app. against their on gear they verified it worked as good as their's good app just need to work with a bit and learn How it really works"

Matt Brubach
"A friend had this app on his phone and I thought it was probably just a joke. I have a hidden surveillance camera in my house, so we decided to test it. The app actually detected my hidden camera! Great app, I just downloaded for myself. Thanks."

John Bouis
"We would like to congratulate you as your Android app 'Hidden Camera Detector' is now one of the top 10 hottest apps on AppBrain, the website where people find, install and share Android apps. You can find your app on our website here: Hidden Camera Detector on AppBrain"

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