How to use Lens Detector

[ Step by Step guide ]

Hello everyone!

Let’s talk on how to use lens detector feature on hidden camera detector app.

Lens Detector feature uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) to detect camera lenses. It performs frame by frame analysis of your camera preview, does image processing and try to find best possible cameras in your camera preview. It show possible cameras inside red rectangular box. App also classify other electronic objects like electronic device, laptop, mobile camera etc. 

To use this feature, you just need to scan your surroundings 360° and roam around the place. When mobile camera, CCTV or pin hole camera is detected, app will beep showing the rectangular box.  App uses ML model trained by Google and applies post processing on top of that. Sometimes results are not accurate and it might show wrong object as potential camera, so user intervention is required.

This feature works best to identify CCTV cameras, mobile cameras placed in changing rooms and even in some extent help detecting pin hole cameras.

On Hidden Camera Detector Gold & iOS version, app comes with one more feature which is identifying potential objects. App will show some potential objects like clock that can be used to place hidden pin hole cameras. User are expected to carefully inspect such objects. Also note that, this feature just shows the potential object, not necessarily object contains hidden camera. User intervention is strongly required.

This feature is still in beta phase and under development. You can write to us if you face any issues or to suggest any improvements. 

Write down your comments below if you more questions.

© 2020 futureapps All Rights reserved

23 Responses

  1. Hello!….So far I have just been experimenting with your app, but, it seems to be working very well! I do have a cctv camera with infrared sensors outside my window hooked into an older tv/DVD player combo and it detected it right away! I am a mentally and developmentally disabled U.S. Citizen in Arkansas. My neighborhood isn’t the best or safest to live in in my opinion but what city is safe now days? I have found that your app for Android is very accurate so far and will rate it soon! So far so good! GOD bless and Happy Holidays! Sincerely, B. Cunningham/Search, AR.

  2. We come up with everything from pinhole camera to mouse to mobile phone laptop etc but are unable to find the sources. We know they are somewhere because of the issues we are having with someone and harassment We just need clarity to find them

    1. I love this app and i used it in a hotel one time when i was driving to Texas and it pinpointed a lense in the light fixture off to the side of the bed. I kept the dector scanning the room and everytime it went past the light fixture on the wall the red box and alarm went crazy. There is no doubt in my mind i was being filmed. I checked out of that hotel and never looked back. I highly recommend this app to anyone who thinks or doesnt think they are being watched.

  3. works great picked up my devices on the other side of the wall thought i was being watched and your device confirmed that too

    Thank You

    love the app easy to use

  4. I see it register s devices but there is no nothing there. Even though it is in the redbox .mode. But thefes no cam. No nothing. Seems like its reading wires in the wall perhaps?

    1. Mine shows it’s detected television and CCTV. The redbox outlines my bedroom door but I can’t see any cam.. so far.

  5. Es kann eine Spiegelung sein von dein Handy aus oder wenn die Tür auf ist, kann es von ein Fenster,Spiegel oder sowas in der Art sein OK.

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